Sunday, June 21, 2009

PERSONAL: [gun range | lax]

as some of you know, i grew up being a tomboy. i've always wanted to go shot guns at the range but when i was growing up my grandfather wouldn't let me go with him and the "boys" because i was a "girl". go figure right?! so when our friend steve was asking everyone if they were interested, of course i jumped at the chance (daren, not so much ha).

when i was younger i grew up with a bb gun and i got the chance to shoot a shot gun once... but thats it, nothing as serious as the glock 9 & colt 45 we were shooting with on Saturday. i was a little nerves and excited but quickly got over my nerves.

for 5 out of 8 of us, this was our first time at a shooting range. so for safety we decided to only get 2 lanes and we just switched turns so that the experience shooters could show/watch the rest of us. but if you ask me all us ladies turned out to be the "naturals"! don't mess with us, you don't want none of this! hahah jk

but all in all, it was a great fun experience and i'm so proud of mina for facing her fears of guns and for taking charge. good job! thanks steve, luke & morgan. had a blast. i can't wait to go again!!

if you'd like to see all the images i took at the range click here.

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