Saturday, November 08, 2008

MOBILE//: [iphone game | parking lot]

One of the greatest games on the iPhone if you like puzzles is this game called PARKING LOT. It has puzzles ranging from easy to hard with 9 different packs and about 38 puzzles in each pack.

Both the hubby and I are both trying to go from pack 1-9 and finishing each and every puzzles in the pack. Some of them are extremely hard. It's very addicting, for us at least. ^_^

So if you have a iPhone and/or iPod touch I strongly recommend this game to you.

** for those of you who are wondering the BB Bold is still my main phone. But I'm able to use my iPhone thru wifi. So it's like a iPod touch with a camera now. ^_^

----- Sent from my iPhone -----

1 comment:

  1. i played this game a lot on my friends' phones. i love it. addicting! -annie


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