Less than two weeks for me left here in NYC. My how time flies... can you believe its almost been 3 months already?! my goodness. Time here has been surreal, fun, exciting, and a great experience. There's so much i still want to do and experience while I'm out here... like check out all the vintage stores, NYC library (the one Carrie Bradshaw was going to get married at >_<), visit Ground Zero, check out the Central Park Zoo and so much more.
But with Fashion Week about to kick off this week and with all of our preparation kicking in for the fashion show, i don't think I'll have time to do even half of them. The design house I'm working for shows on Monday, February 15th. Which i have decided to be my last day interning for them. With my sublet let being up on the 19th, i felt that having my last day be the day of the show would be unfortunate but perfect so that i have a day or so to tie up loose ends and try to explore the city one last time before i have to head back to LA LA LAND.
This week we're finishing stuffing/sending out invites, casting for the models, and i can't wait for all of it. This was my goal, to be able to get behind the scene and see how its all goes down and even tho we're not showing in the "Tents" (which a lot of the designers aren't) it's still a well known brand from the 70s that has a new Creative Director, which everyone can't wait to see what he's done for his break out line for the company. I can't wait to see them myself, every things getting shipped from the UK. It's getting exciting!!
As most of you know, i headed out her with one of my closest friends. With a mission to find a internship and learn and experience the fashion industry here in NYC. She is very much an inspiration to all. When we first came out here we both had a hand full of interviews lined up with a list of which ones we wanted the most and which ones we would take for the last resort. For her it came to a point in time where almost all of them wanted her and she had to choose. She ended up narrowing her list down to a company that fit her design style to the T and a high-end, well know designer that was at the bottom of her original list. Even though her heart wanted to stay within her comforts of her style and aesthetic she decided to challenge herself and forced herself to break out of her shell and learn and experience something more. Plus with that Designers name on her resume along with the wealth of knowledge she learned, i believe has helped her get a JOB. Yes people i said it.. she got a JOB!! I'm so proud of her and i know that she's going to do/be great! We're going to run LA! lol